Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ask no questions, Hear no lies.

Why do we question our motives?
Is it because (from time to time) we have this SUPER happy phase in life and you want to know why?

We always want to know why?
Why should we do what we do?
Why should we question everything, that at the end of the day, you might feel it was "pointless"?
Why do we not appreciate what we have?
(From time to time)

Yet again, if we don't question things we won't have any more knowledge than what
we already think we have.

Why should I still question my motives even when I know where I'm going.
Do I really know where I'm going?
Do I really know what I want out of life?

Sometimes we do not notice that we take things for granted.
Society tells us to question everything.
Still why do I question everything?

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